"My Famicase Exhibition" is an art event run by METEOR Shop&Gallery in Tokyo, which calls on artists to create cartridge labels for games that never existed.
Since 2005, Famicase has accepted open submissions from worldwide artists and designers, and exhibited the art as labels applied to real cartridges for the Famicom (the Japanese equivalent of the Nintendo Entertainment System).
I've been submitting works to Famicase since 2014, as a project at the intersection of a lot of my interests.
2024: 名探偵リーチャの13国士無双連続殺人事件
[Great Detective Riichard and the 13 Distinguished Persons Serial Murder Case]
[After the 13th murder, the veteran players of Honrou-to District are in hiding. Can you solve the case along with the great detective Riichard?]
Over 2023, I got extremely into playing Riichi (Japanese) Mahjong with a bunch of local friends. I decided to pay homage to that and the mountain of mahjong games on the Famicom, plus the long-standing PC adventure game genre that broke out into the public consciousness with Famicom ports of "Portopia Satsujin Jiken" and others.
Also, it was just a chance to make a couple more terrible puns; "13 Orphans", a powerful mahjong hand, is "Kokushi Musou" in JP, meaning "Distinguished Persons".
2023: RPG遊戯成分
[RPG Nutritional Information]
[Always play at least an hour each day. Let's make healthy choices!]
I had no ideas when Famicase rolled around, but this one had been percolating in the back of my mind for a while, sparked again by me finally getting to visit Tokyo again post-pandemic. The format is a nutritional information label from a food product, but with countless references to RPGs, as many as I could cram in. Particularly fond of "Strategy Guide Price: 2450Y" and "Allergy Warning: Bad Puzzles, plot holes", etc.
2022: カイ物語
お得な100階! でも、頭上注意。
[100 floors of great deals! But mind your head.]
This one probably had the most work put in, all easily-missable details. So it goes.
My goal here was to finally create something specifically for JP retro gamers. It's a massive collection of puns, all stemming from "Kai" being both the name of the pictured character from the foundational JP game series "Druaga", but also being the verb base for "Shopping". "Kaimono" = purchased goods. "Monogatari" = story or adventure.
Every sign is a medieval fantasy pun on a real store, like "MAJIN" for MUJI, "UNICORN" for UNIQLO, etc. Even the building number is a play on the iconic landmark Shibuya department store "109", but instead it's "110" = "CX" in Roman numerals, a reference to the show "Game Center CX", the only reason I know about these games at all.
2021: ゲットゴーイン!
新しい刺激的な冒険!「ゲットゴーイン!」は世界で初めての恋愛ラリーゲーム。ラリーレイドで友達のチームにも参加出来る! 道路で恋が見つかるかもしれません! 15歳以上のみ対象。
[A new provocative adventure! "GET GOING!" is the world's first "Ren'Ai Rally Game". Join a team of your friends on a Rally Raid, and maybe discover love along the road! Ages 15 and up.]
2020: RECKON
The light and the dark will war forever, because those who wield the geometry divine know no rest.
New and innovative versus puzzle Soft, by Hangedman.
CUBE ROAD is new puzzle action from Hangedman Design!
Over 30 cubes to run, collect, enjoy, in over 100 stages, with password save system! Cubes truly are the future of gaming!
2018: Chōme
[Friend, welcome home.]
Unlock mysteries of the universe with three friends and the mysterious Professor Cosmic in DUSTER, Action Philosophy Game.
1-4 Players.
2016: AUST
FAMILYGEMETON is a mysterious NES magic demon card game, with two modes -
DIVINATION: Come along on a guided journey through the dark, around the eight ways. Meet the 72 soldiers, nobles, and royals of the Goetic Tarot and seek their wisdom on dreams and realities. Let yourself be guided. Or just enjoy the walk.
HIERARCHY: After walking among the many ways, sit down with a friend, and play a game of cards and kings. Strategize over the realms, and lay claim to the dark lands with the flip of a card. A fast-paced card game about second guesses.
We at Hangedman Design hope you enjoy.
2014: MAMA'S BOY
American action blockbuster "Children of Women" opened to huge success in Japan.
DONESOFT formed adaptation for TV Family game. Animated theatre cut scenes premiered. The many's were popular for art style, and game feelings.
Please enjoy "MAMA'S BOY"!
Famicase Site: famicase.com/
METEOR Shop&Gallery Site: super-meteor.com/